Lizard King
breathes us? A reptile at the base of the brain! That’s the famous lizard king,
most intimate science fantasy about dragons is the triune brain proposed by
neuroscientist Paul MacLean: In that model, the human brain is actually three
brains: the neocortex of conscious thought, a limbic system generating
emotions, and the reptilian complex, which beats our heart and keeps us
are all dragon breaths. A dragon is breathing us from a deeper life. Our most
basic physical functions originate in a far different realm than the mind: The
brain is our ultimate reality. And what is this neurology that lives us and
creates our dreams? And drives our compulsions?
brain is a lot scarier than the mind. Physical reality is more than we can
imagine: ultimately unknowable. It’s made of imponderably tiny points of mass
in mysterious fields of energy: no one really knows what it is, this stuff
we’re made of.
freaked out the mystic poet William Blake:
“Mental Things are alone Real, what is Call’d
Corporeal Nobody Knows of its Dwelling Place , it is in
Fallacy & its Existence an Imposture. Where is the Existence Out of Mind or
Thought, Where is it but in the Mind of a Fool.”
to the mind a Fool: the human brain, which figured out string theory and the
Holographic Principle, suggesting that the physical world is, indeed, a
“Fallacy & its Existence an Imposture.”
Things are alone Real. And here be dragons.
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