Friday, June 8, 2012


A Persian dragon sought me out not too long ago, to inquire if I’d write his story. Maybe other authors dreaming of dragons have been contacted by this particular dragon and can advise if he’s on the level.

His name is Mush’hushshu, which he tells me is Akkadian for ‘splendor serpent’sort of like a rainbow serpent. Of course, dragons originate in imaginary time, which is a concept in physics that describes the reality perpendicular to time (

So, I have no idea what this dragon actually looks like.

Mush’hushshu approached me the way entities from higher dimensions usually do, as an odd exuberance that circumstances don’t quite fit. I’d been mired in tedious chores all that day, yet throughout the day I felt at play with everything. (In my journal, I wrote, “All day at play with the prodigy of being, happy to go as the moment goes, following the atlases of becoming, etc.) You know that rare feeling, where every direction is right. The legendary ‘zone.’

That alerted me. I’ve met dragons before and know how dragonspells come on.

From the first, I paid attention to the moment, outside and in. Outside, groves of cloudsand, descending from them, an untamed wind, almost lupine the way it loped around. Sunrise came on like an argument of light and dark, some ancient Persian myth. That thought sent me inside, into a stream of associations:

With the sun behind those giant clouds, the universe met our world half way: fragile and eternal! And the birds seemed to be in on the secret, because they were making noises like a planetary cell phone. The world seemed to be reaching out to answer: shadows got longer and the trees across the street waved, eager hands.

I picked up and whispered, "Good morning. Who’s there?"

Glazed in silence, the answer came, “Mush’hushshu.”


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